Saturday 14 May 2011

braised lamb shank

This is more of a winter/fall dish, but I thought I would share it anyway, hoping that all you guys will enjoy it !!!! Sorry to say that I didn't get any pictures of it, but next time I make it I'll be sure too

so go buy 2 lamb shanks to start.

 3 celery stalks 
2 carrot
1 piece pf lemon grass
1 onion
4 Cinnamon sticks
thyme and rosamary
hand full of pepper corns
2 cartons beef stock 
1 bottle red wine

Sear lamb on all sides until you have a nicely browned and put in the bottom of a deep pot, cut *mire poix (celery carrots and onion) into 1 inch pieces and put in pot, break lemon grass into 4 pieces and put in pot, put all remaining ingredients in pot and bring to a quick boil then place in 400 degree oven with lid on for 4-41/2 hours.

celery root purée,

3/4 litter homo milk
3/4 litter white wine  (try to get one with an apple-y flavour)
1 celery root
1 russet potato
1 small onion

Place milk and wine into a pot, chop the celery root. peeled potato, and onion into 1 cm cubes and put into pot bring to a boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Drain after and place in a food processor slowly adding butter until velvety smooth. Sever warm

when you remove the braised lamb from the oven fill a frying pan with the braising liquid and reduce down into a syrup, add butter for flavor. This will work as a nice sauce for the lamb. remove the lamb from the oven as soon as the celery root starts boiling to let it cool and start the sauce asap so its ready in time. If your milk curdles a little bit when it first starts cooking don't worry it's normal, it will smooth itself out.
The asparagus is simple, cut it in half length wise and saute in butter for 2 min.

Hat's off to those who try this at home ! and thank you for reading, have a good day !!!!

Thursday 12 May 2011

spot prawns

Prawns, Raspberry Red Pepper sauce, with Soba, Zuchini and Eggplant

This is the beginning of a beautiful thing !!! A lot of people have been asking me to start a blog featuring me, my food, work, restaurant reviews, etc....

SOOOO, here you guys go !!!!! I hope to have lots of people reading this, so here's how it goes.
I will do a weekly update with recipes, how things are at work, reviews. The works pretty much, anything you want to see on here then send me an email. also any recipes you want me to post and I'll be more than happy too, just pick what dish of mine looks the most appealing to you and send me an email, after that I will post the entire recipe for that dish either the same day of the day after.

This is also a health wise blog, everything I work with in my own kitchen at home is a fresh and organic as I can get my hands on !! And I won't stop there, I fully plan on giving out all the information you guys need to make healthier food choices, and all the benefits of those choices !!!

Well, every one tell me what you think of the dish up above, and let me know if you want the recipe !!!!!!